Platinum - International

  • Free travel VISA 
  • To attend the Gala dinner for networking purposes at a fee $100 for 2 people
  • USD500.00 (Incl VAT)

Gold - International

  • Free travel VISA
  • To attend the Gala dinner for networking purposes with investors and manufacturers at a fee $100 for 2 people
  • USD750.00 (Incl VAT)

Premium - International

  • Free travel VISA
  • Free Gala Dinner for networking purposes with investors and manufacturers
  • USD1000.00 (Incl VAT)

Platinum For Locals

  • With 3 T-shirts and 3 Caps
  • To attend the Gala dinner for networking purposes with investors and manufacturers at a fee K2000 for 2.
  • K3500.00 (Incl VAT)

Gold - Local

  • Visible stand for the Expo with 3 T-shirts and 3 Caps
  • To attend the Gala dinner for networking purposes with investors and manufacturers at a fee K2000 for 2
  • K7500.00 (Incl VAT)

Premium - Local

  • Visible Stand for the Expo with 3T-shirts and 2 Caps
  • Two Company representatives to attend the Gala dinner for one-on-one networking with investors
  • K15000.00 (Incl VAT)

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